Average yearly cost for an DD 89'?
Looking at 89 'with 36,000 miles for a DD. I drive a sonata now and want some American muscle, plus it's my dream car. I have budgeted insurance, payments, and gas. The digidash needs new polarizing film, and needs new speakers I would be doing all maintenance myself apart from bigger problems.
It would be nice if you introduce yourself once. That's what we do here in the beginning

Regarding your question. It depends on the condition of the car. After a complete restoration, these are lower than with a survivor.
Driving a not fully restored classic car as a DD in my opinion needs an everage of 2000€ per year.

Best regards

[Bild: sig_edgar.jpg]
Der Kollege postet aus Indien.

Einen wortgleichen Beitrag habe ich schon mal gelöscht, steht jedenfalls unter Beobachtung.


[Bild: cf_sig_2009.jpg]
Es ist schade, dass nicht mehr das Erreichte zählt, sondern das Erzählte reicht!


[Bild: sig_edgar.jpg]
(20.05.2019, 09:12)josephdetor schrieb: Looking at 89 'with 36,000 miles for a DD youjizz pornhub tubegalore. I drive a sonata now and want some American muscle, plus it's my dream car. I have budgeted insurance, payments, and gas. The digidash needs new polarizing film, and needs new speakers I would be doing all the maintenance myself apart from bigger problems.

my issue got solved !!

Möglicherweise verwandte Themen...
Thema Verfasser Antworten Ansichten Letzter Beitrag
  repair cost? stingraymarc 9 3.437 14.04.2006, 21:54
Letzter Beitrag: stingraymarc

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