TUV info for '72 Mako Shark
Hello folks,
i'm an italian guy, sorry i don't speak any german.
I already bought a Corvette last year with TUV and it was easy to import in Italy.

I recently got from USA an original John Silva Maco Shark 1972 Vette.

Since in Italy DMV people are just insane i would like to bring the car in south Germany, having TUV and AU, getting temporary plattes and return here.

Is it possible to have TUV on a matching# Maco? is there anybody could help me? how much for that help?

Hi Attila,
a Mako Shark is a very nice car.

I don't know, if it is possible for foreign people to get a TÜV on their cars.
If I where you, I would first take some pictures and technical information and go a TÜV in South Germany to ask if he would give you the desired TÜV.
Or contact the company "Geiger US cars" in Munich (adress on the start page). If nothing helps, we have at least two members who may be able to help you further.

Hi Attila,
I assume you need the German TÜV for a registration in Italy (imported within the EU)?
Is the DMV the Italian equivalent for the German TÜV?
Be aware you do not get a German title and registration without having the custom fees paid in Germany. What you get is only the expert opinion to get the German title from our authoroties. Is this what you are looking for or do you need a former registrated vehicle in order to get it on Italian roads?
Do you need a normal expertise or those for historical (correct) cars?

The TÜV engeneers in Southern-Germany are probably more insane than their Italian collegs. If Cologne is not to far for you and you just need the expertise I can help you if the car is not very wild costumized. Fees are standard plus a little for handling (not for me - for the guy at the garage).

thanks for fast reply and for understanding my Shark love :-)

there are some guys here who builds froms cratch or just customize Harley and choppers.
i know they go to Germany, temporary sells the vehicle to a German guy, have the TUV then rebuy it. That's the way.

Here DMV requires to have euro compliants windows,optics and so on.. they are a pain in the ass! I prefere spending some days in beautiful Germany than waiting at italian DMV.

you cannot even imagine how many unuseful laws there are here, they all sucks!

best regards
Hi Attila,

we´ve got a member makoshark ,
probably he can provide you with some more "Insider"-Information about the Mako Shark and TUV.
But his Mako is a Convertible, so it´s not the true one.

Another Idea to ask would bei Geiger (Dealer in Munich), he also has experiences with Custom-Cars.
Hallo-gruen , .......  vette Grüße, Gerd

                 °°  °°  

thanks all.

well, the customs fees will be paid in Italy...
Cologne is far but i have already driven up to there... thanks for the trick!

I would like to fully register the car in Germany with TUV and AU, then export it to Italy, but the car comes from USA and arrives in Italy. Maybe I could work it around with a friend of mine who has Italian and German citizenship... sel the car to him, having the TUV, an get the car back here.

I'll see. now i have to find an US insurance company to insure the car in US, get the steel tags there and get the car here.

Frank, you got it. I need to import within the EU. I should have the car shipped to Germany and pay inport fees there.. but i doesn't know anyone to handle the car over northern Germany. I should pay lower fees in Italy (some friends at customs). DMV is the american Department of Motor Vehicle, in Italy is called "Motorizzazione", in Germany is that place where you get the car registered. I think TUV is apart. Techische data from TUV must be authenticated by a Land office to be valid here. I done it in Munchen as the TUV for my Germany inmported Vette.

The point is: if the car is regular in Germany, with TUV, AU-HU i get italian plates very easy!

by the way the car is only customized by the body

will let you know

cheers from italy

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I made it!

finally registered!

(just replaced some plate numbers instead of deleting Geist)

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Congatualitions. Btw: nice car.
Thanks everybody.

BTW I went to Geiger last august: vey nice cars!

I gave my documents to an italian agency, they arranged all the stuff.

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