95 ZR1 for sale/für Verkauf
Hello everyone,

I apologize this is in English but, I do not speak German. I have a 95 ZR1 for sale:

95 ZR1
dark red metallic (1 of 16)
beige interior (1 of 9)
25.5K Kilometers 15.8K miles
asking 32K euro negotiable

My wife says I have to sell the car. I hate to do it. The car was a GM executive's car. I have the window sticker, paperwork where GM gave it back to themselves, owners manual. I looked for 2 years before a dark red 95 was for sale. If you want one this may be your only chance. If you are reading this, I do not have to tell you what a special car this is. I know there are some issues with taxes. I am in the US Air Force. I have not paid any taxes. That is why the price is negotiable. We can come to some agreement. I don't have any pics right now because it is raining everytime I get a chance. I will try to get some soon. If you are serious please email me at glofarmer@yahoo.com or call me at 06386404390. The car is located near Kaiserslautern. Danke Bill
Zitat:Original von billfarmer
My wife says I have to sell the car.

Keep the car, get another wife!! sich vor Lachen auf dem Boden wälzen

Regards, Bernd
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
Guter Preis, wenn da nicht Zoll und Steuer wären.....schade.
Liebe Grüße


Zitat:Original von Michael Hoppe
Guter Preis, wenn da nicht Zoll und Steuer wären.....schade.

Wo ein Wille ist, findet sich auch ein Weg huahua

" Just call me Dr. Z "

The legend has a name: ZR-1


433 LT5 - What else?
Hello everyone,

I know the taxes are a concern. If you are interested in the car, we can "work" together on the price. For you guys that are more familiar with zr1s in Germany, what will this car sell for? What price would you put on it? thank you Bill
Bumpity. Still for sale. I can drop the price to 27000euro because of the euro/dollar rate. Email at glofarmer@yahoo.com I am out of Germany right now but the car is in Ramstein near Kaiserslautern. Bill

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