10.06.2013, 10:27
Es gibt auch ein Bulletin vom GM bezüglich Scheinwerfer und Chemikalien:
Bulletin No.: 02-08-42-001D
June 21, 2010
Headlamp Lens Overheating When Covered and Chemical Damage to Exterior Polycarbonate Headlamp Lenses
2011 and Prior GM Passenger Cars
The bulletin is being issued to make dealers and customers aware of chemical damage that may be caused to exterior polycarbonate headlamp lenses. Most late model vehicles have these types of headlamp lenses. This material is used because of its temperature and high impact resistance.
A variety of chemicals can cause crazing or cracking of the headlamp lens. Headlamp lenses are very sensitive. Care should be exercised to avoid contact with all exterior headlamp lenses when treating a vehicle with any type of chemical, such as those recommended for rail dust removal. Rubbing compound, grease tar and oil removers, tire cleaners, cleaner waxes and even car wash soaps in too high a concentration may also attribute to this condition. This could result in the need to replace the entire headlamp housing.
Use only lukewarm or cold water, a soft cloth and a car washing soap to clean exterior lamps and lenses.
Care should be taken to not cover headlamps with shop mats or fender covers if the vehicle is being serviced with the headlamps or DRL illuminated. Covering an illuminated lamp can cause excessive heat build up and crazing/deformation of the lens may occur. The degradation of the lens can be unnoticeable at first and eventually become hairline cracks in the lens. In extreme cases, it could cause the lens to deform. This damage can also be caused by aftermarket shields that are often tinted in color.
Once a heat buildup is generated by the headlamp, a degradation of the headlamp lens begins. This degradation of the lens can be unnoticeable at first and eventually manifest as spider cracks. In more extreme cases, it will begin to melt the lens of the headlamp.
Headlamps damaged by chemicals, improper cleaning, or overheating due to being covered are not covered under the new vehicle warranty.
Was dürfte bei dir passiert sein? Deine Scheinwerfer haben ein E-Zeichen, auf dem Bild deutlich zu sehen und somit mit Sicherheit auch Waschdüsen. Da es offensichtlich Lecks bei den Leitungen des Wischwassers gab, hat man wohl einige Male das System getestet. Was auch immer die Scheinwerfer getroffen hat kam mit Sicherheit aus dem Wasserbehälter. Und da dürfte ein Großteil Alkohol o.ä. dabei gewesen sein. Und das blieb wahrscheinlich auch eine Zeit lang auf dem Scheinwerfer drauf und hat so die Oberfläche geschädigt.
Bulletin No.: 02-08-42-001D
June 21, 2010
Headlamp Lens Overheating When Covered and Chemical Damage to Exterior Polycarbonate Headlamp Lenses
2011 and Prior GM Passenger Cars
The bulletin is being issued to make dealers and customers aware of chemical damage that may be caused to exterior polycarbonate headlamp lenses. Most late model vehicles have these types of headlamp lenses. This material is used because of its temperature and high impact resistance.
A variety of chemicals can cause crazing or cracking of the headlamp lens. Headlamp lenses are very sensitive. Care should be exercised to avoid contact with all exterior headlamp lenses when treating a vehicle with any type of chemical, such as those recommended for rail dust removal. Rubbing compound, grease tar and oil removers, tire cleaners, cleaner waxes and even car wash soaps in too high a concentration may also attribute to this condition. This could result in the need to replace the entire headlamp housing.
Use only lukewarm or cold water, a soft cloth and a car washing soap to clean exterior lamps and lenses.
Care should be taken to not cover headlamps with shop mats or fender covers if the vehicle is being serviced with the headlamps or DRL illuminated. Covering an illuminated lamp can cause excessive heat build up and crazing/deformation of the lens may occur. The degradation of the lens can be unnoticeable at first and eventually become hairline cracks in the lens. In extreme cases, it could cause the lens to deform. This damage can also be caused by aftermarket shields that are often tinted in color.
Once a heat buildup is generated by the headlamp, a degradation of the headlamp lens begins. This degradation of the lens can be unnoticeable at first and eventually manifest as spider cracks. In more extreme cases, it will begin to melt the lens of the headlamp.
Headlamps damaged by chemicals, improper cleaning, or overheating due to being covered are not covered under the new vehicle warranty.
Was dürfte bei dir passiert sein? Deine Scheinwerfer haben ein E-Zeichen, auf dem Bild deutlich zu sehen und somit mit Sicherheit auch Waschdüsen. Da es offensichtlich Lecks bei den Leitungen des Wischwassers gab, hat man wohl einige Male das System getestet. Was auch immer die Scheinwerfer getroffen hat kam mit Sicherheit aus dem Wasserbehälter. Und da dürfte ein Großteil Alkohol o.ä. dabei gewesen sein. Und das blieb wahrscheinlich auch eine Zeit lang auf dem Scheinwerfer drauf und hat so die Oberfläche geschädigt.