06.06.2014, 09:58
Er hat die VIN gefunden. Hier sein Gesuch:
His name was Thomas Brandenberger. The Vin was 1Z8748S422103.
At your leasure I hope you are able to find some info on the car or where it might be. If the current owner would like to communicate with me or not, etc etc. I am the original owner and I ordered the car personally back in 1977. When I sold the car it had approx. 40,000 miles (60,000K's) on it. It was shipped in a container with a Chopper MC (Harley Davidson) by ship around the world through the Pacific and Indian Oceans and Suez Canal and Mediteranian Sea and up to Antwerp I believe. Where it was supposedly off loaded and driven to Austria. At least that is what the purchaser said he was going to do with it. I took off the side exhaust system and replaced it with the original exhaust system as he advised that the side exhausts at the time were not permitted in Austria or Germany I am not sure exactly which country.
Anyway, I do appreciate any info you can come up with and we will see where it goes from here.
Thanks again Jorg.
Er hat die VIN gefunden. Hier sein Gesuch:
His name was Thomas Brandenberger. The Vin was 1Z8748S422103.
At your leasure I hope you are able to find some info on the car or where it might be. If the current owner would like to communicate with me or not, etc etc. I am the original owner and I ordered the car personally back in 1977. When I sold the car it had approx. 40,000 miles (60,000K's) on it. It was shipped in a container with a Chopper MC (Harley Davidson) by ship around the world through the Pacific and Indian Oceans and Suez Canal and Mediteranian Sea and up to Antwerp I believe. Where it was supposedly off loaded and driven to Austria. At least that is what the purchaser said he was going to do with it. I took off the side exhaust system and replaced it with the original exhaust system as he advised that the side exhausts at the time were not permitted in Austria or Germany I am not sure exactly which country.
Anyway, I do appreciate any info you can come up with and we will see where it goes from here.
Thanks again Jorg.
..eagl, in wlehcer Riehenfloge die Bcuhstbaen in eneim Wrot sethen, huaptschae der esrte und ltzete Bcuhstbae snid an der rhcitgien Setlle.
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