Knacken und knarzen an der Hinterachse C5 und C6
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2005 - 2009 Corvette: Service Bulletin: Tapping or Scraping Noise From Rear Wheel Area

Subject: Tapping or Scraping Noise From Rear Wheel Area (Replace Wheel Drive Shaft Nut)

2005-2009 Cadillac XLR
2005-2009 Chevrolet Corvette

This bulletin is being revised to add the 2009 model year. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 07-04-95-001 (Section 04 – Driveline/Axle).

Some customers may comment on a tapping or a scraping noise coming from the rear wheel area.

This condition may be due to the torque on the wheel drive shaft nut relaxing over time.

Replace the left and the right wheel drive shaft nut following the procedure below.
1. Remove the center cap from the rim.
2. Remove and discard the wheel drive shaft nut.
3. Apply LOCTITE™ 272, or equivalent, to the threads of the axle shaft.
4. Install the nut and tighten to the new specification.

Tighten the nut to 215 N·m (160 lb ft).
Install the center cap to the rim.

Important: The vehicle should not be driven for 24 hours following the repair in order to allow the thread lock to cure.

Parts Information
Part Number 10257766
Qty 2 (one per side)

Vette Grüße
Follow Your Dreams

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
RE: Knacken und knarzen an der Hinterachse C5 und C6 - von sundowner - 15.12.2018, 12:18

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