Suche Corvette Werkstatt für §21 einer C6 Z06 in Rhein-Main gebiet

ich hatte nochmal nachgehört und Rückmeldung bekommen, dass sie noch untersuchen würden. Glaube eher, dass sie mich hinhalten wollen.

Daher sende ich euch die Kontaktdaten und einen englische Mustertext, den die betroffenen Corvettefahrer nutzen können um denen zu melden, dass das kein Einzelfall ist. Vielleicht hilft es ja und sie bewegen sich:

Diese Kontaktdaten hatte ich vom damaligen Generalimporteur bekommen, der in meinem COC-Papier hinterlegt ist.

Dear Sir or Madam,
I’m writing you regarding the following matter:
I own a Corvette C6 Z06.
After a noise control by the police in germany, I have issues to bring my Corvette C6 Z06 back onto street. The issue is that for my car the COC paper have incorrect values for noise level especially the RPM at which they must be reached.
The EC type approval from 2007/09 for my vehicle, registered first in Luxembourg in 2010, states a value of 95 dB at 4,725 revs. These values are also reflected in the vehicle registration certificate, but they are imho incorrect.
In a documentation printout from a latter EC documentation for the Corvette C6 Z06 (GMX-245), my model/type is listed with a dB value of 99 at 3,725 revs.
The main issue is that I don’t pass the stationary db levels with that high revs that are stated in the COC paper.
If the rev level would have been proper evaluated and stated in the COC paper I would pass the European noise emission controls regulation for stationary sound level.
The EU regulation stated the following procedure to measure stationary noise for cars:
A) < 5.000 rpm = 75% of max engine  speed for stationary sound level 
B) 5.000 rpm up to 7.500 rpm engine speed = 3.750 rpm
C) > 7.500 rpm = 50% of max engine speed
My Corvette C6 Z06 has a nominal engine speed according to COC paper of 6.300 and therefore the stationary sound level should be measured at 3.750 engine speed and not at 4.750 engine speed.
You will find the corresponding COC paper of my vehicle and the printout of the EC documentation in the attached PDF + the German registration documents.
Is there a way to correct this, and if so, how? 
I can’t pass the noise level control with 4.750 engine speed and therefore struggle to get the car on the road again.
Thanks a lot for your help.
[Bild: 43723263nf.jpg]

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
RE: Suche Corvette Werkstatt für §21 einer C6 Z06 in Rhein-Main gebiet - von Chiado - 10.04.2024, 16:31

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