15.06.2003, 22:58
Falls noch jemand am 26. Juni in Bowling Green dabei ist,
wir treffen uns um 20.00 Uhr im University Plaza (Holiday Inn)
1021 Wilkenson Trace, Bowling Green, KY
Hier die Einladung: (es gibt auch was zu trinken)
International Reception
The National Corvette Museum and the National Corvette Caravan Leadership
Team welcome all of our Caravan participants who have traveled to Bowling
Green from outside of the United States. In your honor we have planned an
informal reception and would like to invite you to join us for light
refreshments in the Atrium of the Holiday Inn University Plaza, the Caravan
headquarters hotel.
Date: Thursday, June 26
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Place: University Plaza (Holiday Inn)
1021 Wilkenson Trace, Bowling Green, KY
Location: Atrium Area
wir treffen uns um 20.00 Uhr im University Plaza (Holiday Inn)
1021 Wilkenson Trace, Bowling Green, KY
Hier die Einladung: (es gibt auch was zu trinken)
International Reception
The National Corvette Museum and the National Corvette Caravan Leadership
Team welcome all of our Caravan participants who have traveled to Bowling
Green from outside of the United States. In your honor we have planned an
informal reception and would like to invite you to join us for light
refreshments in the Atrium of the Holiday Inn University Plaza, the Caravan
headquarters hotel.
Date: Thursday, June 26
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Place: University Plaza (Holiday Inn)
1021 Wilkenson Trace, Bowling Green, KY
Location: Atrium Area