Drive shaft balance
HI, Well I check the drive shaft and the Front u-joint has some play... The rear one seems ok and the Transimisison yoke doesn't have ANY play. I was told a New drive shaft with u-joints and transmission slip yoke costs around $200.00... I think I'm going to go that route. Also my passenger side rear wheel bearing is shot. I just replaced it 5 months ago.. OH WELL... I'm going to replace the drive shaft, the wheel bearing and see if that fixes the problem.

I also indexed the drive shaft.......
Please write in english

Bevor You replace the drive shaft, check what Hubsi wrote.
Check the weights on the shaft.Are the weights OK or maybe not available?

After I indexed the drive shaft I have to say 85% of the vibration is gone... YES!! :) I need to replace the bad u-joint on the shaft and one wheel bearing and I should be good to go.
Please write in english

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Thema Verfasser Antworten Ansichten Letzter Beitrag
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  Drive Info Display 1990 + 1991 Corvette.ZR1 6 3.569 30.06.2005, 13:12
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  Balance Tube mani 3 2.210 15.12.2004, 21:03
Letzter Beitrag: Doc

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