Beiträge: 334
Themen: 28
Registriert seit: 07/2005
Ort: Mannheim
Baureihe: Jepp GC Trackhawk
Baujahr,Farbe: 2019, schwarz
Baureihe (2): Corvette C3
Baujahr,Farbe (2): 1975, rot
Baureihe (3) : Chevrolet Pick Up
Baujahr,Farbe (3) : 1955, mintgrün
Kennzeichen (3) : C3 und C4
wenn er durch Mannheim kommen sollte, kann er gerne in meinem Hotel übernachten ( kostenfrei).
Beiträge: 8.289
Themen: 171
Registriert seit: 12/2002
Ort: Bremen, Deutschland
Baureihe: C5, CE US-Version
Baujahr,Farbe: 2004, Lemans-blue
Zitat:Original von Jack Panzica
What will make it really that I will share all my adventures with the forum members at home.......Most will never do with their cars ,, what I do every day....... So every night I hope to bring a bit of Europe and the Corvette owners I meet right into
homes of my friends, through photos, video and forum posting......
Hope this long winded answer helped
i think and guess that will be the minor problem, to find every night a computer!
All in here sitting almost every day/night in front of one!
18. Intern. Corvette-Club Pfingsttreffen vom 06.06.-09.06.2025 in Suhl.
Beiträge: 359
Themen: 24
Registriert seit: 02/2012
Ort: Maine USA
Baureihe: C-2
Baujahr,Farbe: 1966 Glen Green
Baureihe (2): l-79 roadster 1966
Baujahr,Farbe (2): c-2
Baujahr,Farbe (3) : c-2
Kennzeichen (3) : Retired Businessman
Hello Kurt,
Thank you for the offer...............I will put your city on my map......
As things progess....I will keep you posted........
It seems that Germany has many corvettes and clubs........I can't wait to visit......
Just a hippy on the road in a corvette.....instead of a VW van...........
Ich freue mich sehr über meine Reise aufgeregt .......
Die Angebote der Gastfreundschaft wunderbar gewesen .........
Ich freue mich darauf Sie kennen zu lernen und die vielen anderen Corvette-Besitzer
Beiträge: 359
Themen: 24
Registriert seit: 02/2012
Ort: Maine USA
Baureihe: C-2
Baujahr,Farbe: 1966 Glen Green
Baureihe (2): l-79 roadster 1966
Baujahr,Farbe (2): c-2
Baujahr,Farbe (3) : c-2
Kennzeichen (3) : Retired Businessman
Posting was a problem on my 48 state trip.......I will have to do research on the best way for me to be on the internet...I will have my laptop.......and Iphone.........
Look forward to meeting members of this forum......
Beiträge: 359
Themen: 24
Registriert seit: 02/2012
Ort: Maine USA
Baureihe: C-2
Baujahr,Farbe: 1966 Glen Green
Baureihe (2): l-79 roadster 1966
Baujahr,Farbe (2): c-2
Baujahr,Farbe (3) : c-2
Kennzeichen (3) : Retired Businessman
Hello ,
Thank you for the offer of hospitality........I will keep all posted on my progress.......
I think I am going to have a great time in Germany......
I think I pushed the wrong button......I was replying to a post by Thomas......
Beiträge: 359
Themen: 24
Registriert seit: 02/2012
Ort: Maine USA
Baureihe: C-2
Baujahr,Farbe: 1966 Glen Green
Baureihe (2): l-79 roadster 1966
Baujahr,Farbe (2): c-2
Baujahr,Farbe (3) : c-2
Kennzeichen (3) : Retired Businessman
Zitat:Original von thocar
Die Route führt direkt durch Oberfranken - wenn er irgendwelche Hilfe braucht (übernachtungsmöglichkeit o. ä), ich stehe gerne zur Verfügung.
Ich lade ihn hiermit offiziell im Namen des Thüringer Corvette Clubs zu einem Treffen in Thüringen/Oberfranken ein. Ist schon ungefähr bekannt, wann er von Berlin in Richtung Süden fährt?
Es wäre uns eine Ehre, so ein Treffen auszurichten.
Gruß Thomas
I am still learning how to use this forum.....all the writing is in German!
Thank you for the offer of hospitality.......I will put your town on my map.....
I will keep all informed as I progress on the trip......
Beiträge: 8.289
Themen: 171
Registriert seit: 12/2002
Ort: Bremen, Deutschland
Baureihe: C5, CE US-Version
Baujahr,Farbe: 2004, Lemans-blue
Zitat:Original von Jack Panzica
Posting was a problem on my 48 state trip.......I will have to do research on the best way for me to be on the internet...I will have my laptop.......and Iphone.........
Look forward to meeting members of this forum......
many here have a router with W-Lan (wireless) and you might get connected at the homeplaces of the Corvettefriends. If not, use their innternet-cable for a short while.
18. Intern. Corvette-Club Pfingsttreffen vom 06.06.-09.06.2025 in Suhl.
Beiträge: 359
Themen: 24
Registriert seit: 02/2012
Ort: Maine USA
Baureihe: C-2
Baujahr,Farbe: 1966 Glen Green
Baureihe (2): l-79 roadster 1966
Baujahr,Farbe (2): c-2
Baujahr,Farbe (3) : c-2
Kennzeichen (3) : Retired Businessman
Zitat:Original von fsahm
Zitat:Original von Jack Panzica
Posting was a problem on my 48 state trip.......I will have to do research on the best way for me to be on the internet...I will have my laptop.......and Iphone.........
Look forward to meeting members of this forum......
many here have a router with W-Lan (wireless) and you might get connected at the homeplaces of the Corvettefriends. If not, use their innternet-cable for a short while.
I plan to do much more video on this trip....... t documentary style I chase " Europe's Classic Corvettes "
Will the uploading of video cause problems...... or add a lot to the $ cost of posting ?
Many of the members of the forums I belong to here in US would like to feel as if they where behind the wheel of my car on some of your roads.........
It seems like I will not have a problem.......
can't wait
Beiträge: 397
Themen: 60
Registriert seit: 08/2002
Ort: Berlin
Baureihe: C2 Coupe 327/350
Baujahr,Farbe: 1965 rally red
Baureihe (2): 1990 charcoal metallic
Baujahr,Farbe (2): C4 ZR-1
Baureihe (3) : 1980
Baujahr,Farbe (3) : C3 Coupe L48 red 4 speed
- C2 (1963-1967)
- C3 (1968-1982)
- C4 (1984-1996)
Hi Jack,
upload videos or posting will not be a problem. most members are using internet flat-rates at home, so there are no extra costs.
If you wish to use wireless (umts) internet onroad, you have to buy a european mobile access. Be sure that you can use another sim-card in your iphone, most provider dont let you do this.
Beiträge: 5.411
Themen: 198
Registriert seit: 02/2010
Ort: Schleswig-Holstein
Baureihe: andere
As Matthias pointed out, there are a couple of pitfalls you can fall into moneywise. One of the biggest is Cell Phone and Internet. If you carry an i-Phone in Europe and use your own SIM card with your personal phone number, calls will cost you a lot. The "roaming fee" of the telecom companies will add massive charges to your phone bill if you use it outside of the US. If you use the i-Phone's cell connection (3G, UMTS, EDGE etc.) to connect to the internet, these costs will sky rocket. There are two ways to avoid this:
1) Use free WLAN hotspots in Starbucks, some public places and of course the homes of all the people you're going to meet.
2) Do what Matthias mentioned: Buy a prepaid SIM card for your phone. But this will only save you money in the country it was issued. Once you cross the border to the next country, you'd have to do it all over again.
My advice: Use WLAN whenever possible, use Skype or another communication tool to make phone calls over the internet while you have free WLAN connection. Use the phone with your original SIM card only for emergencies, i.e. short phone calls and you're gonna be alright.
Something else: If you plan to make videos and pictures during your trip, I advise you to back up the recordings carefully. e.g. you can copy every recording from your camera to your laptop. But you're going to fill up that hardisk space real quick. I suggest to bring an external harddrive along for the trip to backup to. The risk of damaging or losing it remains. I would therefore burn DVD copies as well. Might sound like overkill but consider the loss if something should happen to your videos or pictures.