Beiträge: 5.411
Themen: 198
Registriert seit: 02/2010
Ort: Schleswig-Holstein
Baureihe: andere
Zitat:Original von fsahm
Na dann mal ein Aufruf an alle Hamburger und näherer Umgebung, die am 28. + 29.08.2012 für Jack einige Zeit zur Verfügung stellen können. Gruß
Hi Friedel
Ich habe keine Ahnung, ob die "Hamburger" hier mitlesen. Hast du Kontakt zu ein paar Leuten dort, dass man vielleicht per EMail anfragen könnte oder so?
Gruss aus der sonnigen Schweiz,
Beiträge: 2.334
Themen: 99
Registriert seit: 08/2006
Ort: Itzstedt
Baureihe: C3 L-82
Baujahr,Farbe: 1977, orange
Kennzeichen: SE-O 677 H
Baureihe (2): C7 ZO6 Carbon 65
Baujahr,Farbe (2): 2018, Ceramic Matrix Gray
Kennzeichen (2): SE-CA 65
- C3 (1968-1982)
- C7 (2014- )
Na, mindestens einer liest mit..... 
Ich habe Jack im NCRS TDB mal um weitere Infos angefragt - wie er sich das vorstellt, gleich morgens weiter nach BHV und das Auto auslösen, oder erst mal ausschlafen, und wohin er dann weiter will. GANZ ENVENTUELL könnte ich meinen T-Plan umschmeißen und es einrichten....... Solche Projekte sollte man ja schließlich unterstützen! (Und interessant, "so jemanden" zu treffen wär's ja allemal!)
Beiträge: 5.411
Themen: 198
Registriert seit: 02/2010
Ort: Schleswig-Holstein
Baureihe: andere
Zitat:Original von Stingray77
Na, mindestens einer liest mit..... 
Gruss nach Hamburg (oder besser Itzstedt).
Beiträge: 8.289
Themen: 171
Registriert seit: 12/2002
Ort: Bremen, Deutschland
Baureihe: C5, CE US-Version
Baujahr,Farbe: 2004, Lemans-blue
Zitat:Original von Yankeededandy
Hi Friedel
Ich habe keine Ahnung, ob die "Hamburger" hier mitlesen. Hast du Kontakt zu ein paar Leuten dort, dass man vielleicht per EMail anfragen könnte oder so?
Gruss aus der sonnigen Schweiz,
das sind schon genügend, die hier mitlesen!
Wäre schön, wenn Oliver dafür Zeit frei machen könnte und Jack zumindest erst einmal in guten Händen ist und an seine Vette kommt.
18. Intern. Corvette-Club Pfingsttreffen vom 06.06.-09.06.2025 in Suhl.
Beiträge: 3.485
Themen: 254
Registriert seit: 07/2004
Ort: OWL
Baureihe: C1
Baujahr,Farbe: 1960 Rot/weiß
Zitat:. Solche Projekte sollte man ja schließlich unterstützen! (Und interessant, "so jemanden" zu treffen wär's ja allemal!) c
Stingray77: Super, finde ich toll, daß Du Dich einbringst.Wenn's klappt, wirst Du der Erste sein, auf den Jack in Europa treffen wird.
Das Schiff wird am 27.8 in Bremerhaven eintreffen. Jack plant die Vette zügig, am besten am selben Tage auszulösen, wenn's denn möglich ist.
Das bedeutet, dass er am 26. oder 27. August Hamburg anfliegen wird. Aber das wird er sicher noch genau mitteilen,denn auch er liest hier ja mit. Irgendwo hat er geposted, daß er auf United von Newark NJ nach Hamburg fliegen wird und dort morgens um 7:30 eintrifft. Fragt sich jetzt nur noch an welchem Tag.
Beiträge: 359
Themen: 24
Registriert seit: 02/2012
Ort: Maine USA
Baureihe: C-2
Baujahr,Farbe: 1966 Glen Green
Baureihe (2): l-79 roadster 1966
Baujahr,Farbe (2): c-2
Baujahr,Farbe (3) : c-2
Kennzeichen (3) : Retired Businessman
I plan on leaving USA on Sunday night , August 26 at night. I will arrive Monday morning at 7:30 am on August 27th
I can leave Saturday night August 25th and arrive Sunday morning August 26th, if that will be better for someone to meet me on Sunday, a non work day.
Let me know what day is best...I will book the flight this Friday......I wait for a response on best day to arrive.
ch habe vor, beim Verlassen USA am Sonntagabend, 26. August in der Nacht. Ich werde ankommen Montagmorgen um 7.30 Uhr am 27. August
Ich kann zu verlassen Samstagabend 25. August und Sonntag Morgen anreisen 26. August, wenn es das wird besser sein für jemanden, der mir am Sonntag ein Arbeitstag nicht zu erfüllen.
Lassen Sie mich wissen, welcher Tag am besten ist ... Ich werde den Flug zu buchen diesem Freitag ...... Ich warte auf eine Antwort auf beste Tag, um anzukommen.
Beiträge: 2.334
Themen: 99
Registriert seit: 08/2006
Ort: Itzstedt
Baureihe: C3 L-82
Baujahr,Farbe: 1977, orange
Kennzeichen: SE-O 677 H
Baureihe (2): C7 ZO6 Carbon 65
Baujahr,Farbe (2): 2018, Ceramic Matrix Gray
Kennzeichen (2): SE-CA 65
- C3 (1968-1982)
- C7 (2014- )
Hey listen, Jack, this is what I can do for you:
- I can rearrange my schedules and pick you up from the airport
- then I can take you to BHV and help you getting your car released from customs (well, my experience may be a bit rusty because it's 20yrs. ago that I did the same when importing my 1977 Vette from FL. - but at least I already have done it once.  My int'l Marine insurance background may also come in handy there...  )
- afterwards we can go back to Hamburg "convoy-style" together to get you acquainted with German traffic (another set of hands/tongue might be of value in case "something goes wrong"...)
As we are in the process of rebuilding our home, unfortunately I can not give you a place to stay for the night, but there is a cheap and nice Motel in our town and in walking distance from our house, in case you prefer to leave your Vette on our premises instead of in front of the Motel.
I can make a reservation there for you, if you wish (and in case nobody else from Hamburg will step in for your accomodation)... Here you have a link, to review the Motel for yourself - cost is between EUR 30 and 40 for the night.
It will be an honor for me to show you Hamburg and take you out for dinner to round up your first day in Europe then.
Concerning time-planning and your fly-in-time: my recommendation would be to align it with the day your car will be able to get released from customs. (Just get that date confirmed by you shipping agent/their correspondence partner in Germany!)
I that case we could drive directly from the airport to BHV (some 2,5hrs driving).
Taking a day off on Tue Aug 28 would work perfectly for me...
If you prefer to fly-in at an earlier date, I should be able to work out something as well, but getting it all done in one day, (frankly) would work out better for me...
Okay, your call now - looking forward from hearing from you. (You can find my e-mail address in my profile...)
PS: I'll leave a copy of this post in the NCRS TDB......
Beiträge: 359
Themen: 24
Registriert seit: 02/2012
Ort: Maine USA
Baureihe: C-2
Baujahr,Farbe: 1966 Glen Green
Baureihe (2): l-79 roadster 1966
Baujahr,Farbe (2): c-2
Baujahr,Farbe (3) : c-2
Kennzeichen (3) : Retired Businessman
Zitat:Original von Stingray77
Hey listen, Jack, this is what I can do for you:
- I can rearrange my schedules and pick you up from the airport
- then I can take you to BHV and help you getting your car released from customs (well, my experience may be a bit rusty because it's 20yrs. ago that I did the same when importing my 1977 Vette from FL. - but at least I already have done it once. My int'l Marine insurance background may also come in handy there... )
- afterwards we can go back to Hamburg "convoy-style" together to get you acquainted with German traffic (another set of hands/tongue might be of value in case "something goes wrong"...)
As we are in the process of rebuilding our home, unfortunately I cannot give you a place to stay for the night, but there is a cheap and nice Motel in our town and in walking distance from our house, in case you prefer to leave your Vette on our premises instead of in front of the Motel.
I can make a reservation there for you, if you wish (and in case nobody else from Hamburg will step in for your accomodation)... Here you have a link, to review the Motel for yourself - cost is between EUR 30 and 40 for the night.
It will be an honor for me to show you Hamburg and take you out for dinner to round up your first day in Europe then.
Concerning time-planning and your fly-in-time: my recommendation would be to align it with the day your car will be able to get released from customs. (Just get that date confirmed by you shipping agent/their correspondence partner in Germany!)
I that case we could drive directly from the airport to BHV (some 2,5hrs driving).
Taking a day off on Tue Aug 28 would work perfectly for me...
If you prefer to fly-in at an earlier date, I should be able to work out something as well, but getting it all done in one day, (frankly) would work out better for me...
Okay, your call now - looking forward from hearing from you. (You can find my e-mail address in my profile...) 
PS: I'll leave a copy of this post in the NCRS TDB......
I will plan on coming in on Tuesday....morning, that seems to work best for you, I had planned to have the insurance company in Holland send the Green card to 6Tvett, but it seems best for me to have the documents mailed to you, that way we have them in hand when we go to get car...
So, I will plan on a flight that leaves USA on Monday night August 27th, and arrives on Tuesday morning August 28th. Send me your Mailing address so I can have documents mailed to you if that is OK.
Knowing that I am all set for arrival and getting the car will make the next few weeks much better....
Beiträge: 2.334
Themen: 99
Registriert seit: 08/2006
Ort: Itzstedt
Baureihe: C3 L-82
Baujahr,Farbe: 1977, orange
Kennzeichen: SE-O 677 H
Baureihe (2): C7 ZO6 Carbon 65
Baujahr,Farbe (2): 2018, Ceramic Matrix Gray
Kennzeichen (2): SE-CA 65
- C3 (1968-1982)
- C7 (2014- )
Cool, sounds like we were able to at least provide you a beach head...
I'll write you a PM giving you my e-mail- and snail-mail-addresses plus a cell contact.
And yes, you can have the guys send the "green card" to my address. (Having them send it registred might be a good idea - just to be on the safe side...)
But as said: before booking your flight, it is vital that your shipping agent does confirm the date that you can take delivery of your car.
And (no-brainer) have them list all the necessary documents.
...It would be a shame driving there for nothing and having to go another time....... (The driving distance may sound not too far, but if possible I'd try to avoid doing that trip twice - the Autobahn between Hamburg and Bremen ist in constant re-construction, since??? 1980???  And the parts that are in great shape are under radar-surveillance...)
If you want to give me some shipping-details (like name and ph-# of your shipping agent in BHV, B/L-#, other shipping reference that they might need to track your "item") beforehand, I can call your agent to make sure everything will work out on that day.
You got clarified that the international insurance certificate is the only document that you need for driving your car over here?
Zurück zu Jack's erster Übernachtung: kommt schon Jungs, keiner in Hamburg da, der ihm eine Matratze stellen könnte???
Beiträge: 359
Themen: 24
Registriert seit: 02/2012
Ort: Maine USA
Baureihe: C-2
Baujahr,Farbe: 1966 Glen Green
Baureihe (2): l-79 roadster 1966
Baujahr,Farbe (2): c-2
Baujahr,Farbe (3) : c-2
Kennzeichen (3) : Retired Businessman
Zitat:Original von Stingray77
Cool, sounds like we were able to at least provide you a beach head... 
I'll write you a PM giving you my e-mail- and snail-mail-addresses plus a cell contact.
And yes, you can have the guys send the "green card" to my address. (Having them send it registred might be a good idea - just to be on the safe side...)
But as said: before booking your flight, it is vital that your shipping agent does confirm the date that you can take delivery of your car.
And (no-brainer) have them list all the necessary documents.
...It would be a shame driving there for nothing and having to go another time....... (The driving distance may sound not too far, but if possible I'd try to avoid doing that trip twice - the Autobahn between Hamburg and Bremen ist in constant re-construction, since??? 1980??? And the parts that are in great shape are under radar-surveillance...)
If you want to give me some shipping-details (like name and ph-# of your shipping agent in BHV, B/L-#, other shipping reference that they might need to track your "item") beforehand, I can call your agent to make sure everything will work out on that day.
You got clarified that the international insurance certificate is the only document that you need tor driving your car over here?
Zurück zu Jack's erster Übernachtung: kommt schon Jungs, keiner in Hamburg da, der ihm eine Matratze stellen könnte??? 
I will have also my title documents, international drivers license , registration Maine car,
I will have the exact shipping data tomorrow , when I pick up documents from my shipper here in US.
Here is the name of the company in Hamburg, that will be the receiving shipper.
T:49(0)40/78092060 / F:49(0)40/78092015
I will know the shipping lading # tomorrow Friday, when I see the US shipper.
Perhaps you can call them , once I give you the shipping data...The car is on the MSC EMMA that leaves Boston today ,9th and arrives in Germany on the 27th.
This way we can plan the best time to get car...