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Jack aus Maine möchte mit seiner 66er C2 Europa bereisen - Tipps?

I could not imagine what kind of miles you ate on your 48 State trip. Bet a lot of others can't too. For myself I can honestly say now "hats off to your ambition" and power to have driven that kind of roads all on your own. No Buddies jokeing or pushing ellbows when the eyelids get heavier. Only you in that kind of lonely wilderness.

We planned Tenton Yellowstone righr after Cody, but the pass roads to Yellowstone were snow blocked early May. So we skipped it and headed southeast.

America is wondeful. I'd like to thank my Buddies to have shown us this side of the United States on such a tremendous trip of up to 4000ks. I would have never dared to do it behind the wheel of any of our Vettes.

When you get troules by the Dutch politie I'll bail you out. Just gimme a buzz. Prost!
6TVette Patriot

[Bild: signatur_6Tvette.jpg]
I could imagine doing that in an old Corvette dumdidum. The longer I drive it, the more comfortable I get. Jack set a prime example with his tours. I still like to read that "48 states" thread.

Took me some time to get through all of this ... great trip. Had the pleasure to drive from the east coast of the US to the west coast and back ... did this twice and also met some great people.

Hope to hook up with you in July for a lobster and wine!
Gruß vom
Mike03 [Bild: s.gif]
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Hello to all,

As I head back to France for the Le Mans race, I thought I would re post these pictures of my time in Normandy last year.

Omaha Juno Beaches

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[Bild: ParistoNormandy033.jpg]
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Many brave men on both sides died that day. May we have peace now ?

[Bild: NormandycemeteryBeach001.jpg]
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[Bild: NormandycemeteryBeach033.jpg]

Very Moving

[Bild: NormandycemeteryBeach019.jpg]
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Zitat:Original von Mike03
Took me some time to get through all of this ... great trip. Had the pleasure to drive from the east coast of the US to the west coast and back ... did this twice and also met some great people.

Hope to hook up with you in July for a lobster and wine!

Watch out we have really big lobsters

[Bild: Jbryantridetoocala039_zps7faeb73a.jpg]
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No problem. A lobster that size is perfect as a starter. Do you also have real Texas steaks? Otherwise I guess I have to stay hungry ... dumdidum sich vor Lachen auf dem Boden wälzen Yeeah!
Gruß vom
Mike03 [Bild: s.gif]
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Hello to All ,

Has spring or summer come yet to Germany ? Still cool here in Maine. I leave for Le Mans on the 16th of June. Andre Boer is sponosoring my return to Europe for the race, and is lending me a C-5 to drive for the week.

I head to Le Mans via south western route around Paris, stopping in Normandie for the night, and arriving in Le Mans on Wed June 19th.

Wed / 19th to Sunday / 24th. I would like to go back to Netherlands (Wezept)


via the northwest route that may take me close to the German boarder. I know a few members live near Cologne , perhaps on Sunday night and Monday morning we can have a mini reunion.

I will post more later, got to go now to help wife.

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We are located in Aachen, Germany! More than welcome to drop by!
Gruß vom
Mike03 [Bild: s.gif]
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Hi , I made it to the lawn show and took about 135 photos of many of the C1-c2 plus C-3 to C-6's that were present. Many are award winners. Trip was 250 miles round trip, 15.2 MPG , average speed on highways 76 mph, car ran at 3,400 to 4,000 rpms for almost 4 hours with 3.70 rear. It was great, no traffic and everybody doing 70 to 85, I did have to pass a few at 103 .........

Here is a link to Auto Museum https://larzanderson.org/

You can view a complete slide show by clicking on this link to Photo Bucket to see all photos


Here are a few of photos of the cars and Museum

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9113_zps6414a4f7.jpg]

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9111_zps2a64f48b.jpg]

Ed Johnson NCRS member 63 roadster

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9095_zps5313f0b9.jpg]

Friend David 63

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9089_zps7881b869.jpg]

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9079_zps197a0cff.jpg]

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9099_zps3bd2c453.jpg]

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9059_zps9e469a2c.jpg]

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9050_zpsb6be711f.jpg]

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9051_zps1e6cc1d9.jpg]

Arthur in his 57 fuelie Perfect I think

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9041_zpsc210ed63.jpg]

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9040_zpsa19c3ba3.jpg]

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9038_zps15ba6661.jpg]

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9008_zps1a7c7ce2.jpg]

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9005_zpsa58a6220.jpg]

I think this one is mine

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9009_zpsfb6b290b.jpg]

Some cars on display at Museum

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9121_zps5415fb7e.jpg]

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9120_zps64045a24.jpg]

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9119_zps141933ad.jpg]

FI Ferrari

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9117_zps043f1ea7.jpg]

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9124_zpsc20ee6a0.jpg]

[Bild: LarsAndersonAutoJune9127_zpsfb6618fd.jpg]
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