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Jack aus Maine möchte mit seiner 66er C2 Europa bereisen - Tipps?
Hi , I know I have been away for a while, but I figured a nice ride to Cape Cod would help me feel better. And what better way to cheer oneself up , visit a good friend who happens to have a few nice cars. Paul gave me the first going away party on the first day of my 48 state trip. I was too busy to take pictures of his garage and cars.

Here they hope you enjoy them !

Here are some stats on the cars

61 Roman Red 383 stroker 4 speed. Owned for 30 years.
65 Glen Green 327/350 4 speed owned 43 years
68 Lemans Blue coupe 427/390 automatic. All original interior.
69 Convertible 350/350, 4 speed. 16 options including factory side exhaust. 45,000 orig. miles
2006 Z06 505 horsepower

[Bild: IMG_4436_zpsaebd95b7.jpg]

[Bild: 61interior_zps3c3949e4.jpg]

[Bild: Z06_zpsee76e20c.jpg]

[Bild: 1961_zpsb83454d5.jpg]

[Bild: Nicelift_zpsb096426a.jpg]

[Bild: 1968_zps5b40a7f5.jpg]

[Bild: Paulsplaystation_zpsae200015.jpg]

[Bild: 68interior_zps7206f7cb.jpg]

[Bild: 65sidepipes_zpsa44d3f64.jpg]

[Bild: 68Green_zps53adff4b.jpg]

[Bild: Paul_zps2382e817.jpg]

[Bild: NiceGarage_zps9879a035.jpg]
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Hallo, es war ein arbeitsreicher Sommer und ich hörte auf, Gas zu unserer örtlichen Tankstelle zu bekommen, sah ein Kerl mein Auto und erwähnt, dass er ein paar alte Korvetten, hat er ein Sommerhaus in Maine und lebt in Colorado.

Ich war aus der Stadt in der Zeit und bat ihn, mir ein Bild von ihnen zu senden. Er hat ein paar Tage später. Man kann nie wissen, wer Sie sich zu treffen, wenn Sie eine Corvette besitzen.

Wer möchte die Jahre nennen?

[Bild: JerryCars_zpsd1cf31c7.jpg]
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And the answers are ;

and best of all a 1957 FI 283

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Hi Jack,

it is very good hearing from you again. We remember very good your visit last year!

These early Corvettes are quite rare and it is a pleasure seeing them!

For your next posts it would be fine having the english text, because the automatic
translation often is a bit funny or sense-freeZwink

Have a good time!
Liebe Grüße von Markstingray
Hi this was the original text.

Hello, it was a busy summer and I stopped to get gas at our local gas station, A man was getting gas and saw my car and said he had a few old corvette at home. I live in Maine and he has a summer home in my town , but lives in Colorado.

I was in a hurry to go out of town and told him to send me some pictures of them.

He sent them a few days later.

You never know who you meet when you own a Corvette ever

. Anyone who would like to mention the years? __________________ Join the Corvette Vagabond Community Like me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter My website
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Jack, good hearing from you. I will be over in the MA area for a few weeks. Have you started your
new project yet with the C2 making it bigger for your son? haarsträubend
Gruß vom
Mike03 [Bild: s.gif]
Love it, leave it, or change it!

Click here - You will come back!
Hi Jack, thank you for the original lyrics Yeeah!
Liebe Grüße von Markstingray
Even though I have owned my 66 Corvette for 45 years, the only pictures I have of it prior to 2010 are my Wedding Day pictures taken in 1982.

I had just restored it for the second time. It only had 175,000 miles on it at the time.

The last picture is how it looks today after a 2010 restoration, with 300,000 miles on the original engine and drive train.


[Bild: 1982WeddingDay_zps95912c35.jpg]

[Bild: Readtoleave_zpsfc97ab0d.jpg]

[Bild: 1982Sept_zpsc25adb00.jpg]

My other true love

[Bild: WhatcanIsay_zps60c419ea.jpg]

Driving off on Honeymoon

[Bild: 1982Sept_zpsc25adb00.jpg]

The car today with 300,000 miles on it

[Bild: pat2_zps3465d860.jpg]
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How to remove and install a haft shaft with new u joints on your back.

When you hear the squeak, then the clank, its time to replace a u-joint. I drove most of the summer, hoping my haft shaft would not be sitting next to me . So it was time for a repair.

Not having a lift was a small problem, because you can not get leverage on the torque wench to break the flange bolts. It will hit the floor. I had to turn the wheel a bit then pull.

The time to do the job was about 2 hours. Not counting the local shop that pressed in the u -Joints for a few dollars. The joints cost about $25 more less a piece. They may have had on them 30 or 40 thousand miles on them since 2011.

First Take Off Spare Tire Carrier

[Bild: 1Takeoutsparecarrier_zpscd2eb7d5.jpg]

Not a lot of room

[Bild: UnderbellyofCorvetteownership_zps6c7cd8e5.jpg]

Put car up on Jack Stands and then Jack below wheel, used to lift & lower wheel to release haft shaft from flanges on rear and hub.

[Bild: 3Putjackundertire_zps648b9aca.jpg]

Tools ready, 5/8 and 9/6 wrench and socket for outer and inner bolts and nuts. Torque wrench 75 & 65 Ft lbs. I had a cheap one that only goes to 75.

[Bild: 2PutcaronJackstands_zpsfec7d040.jpg]

The problem is height of wheel off floor. My wrench would hit floor , so I would have to turn wheel for each little turn. Notice the leg work.

[Bild: 5Pullhardtorqwrench_zps0bb4921f.jpg]

[Bild: 4loosenbolts_zps37ae69a1.jpg]

Haft Shaft Back from shop with U joints inserted.

[Bild: 6HaftShaftNewJoints_zps8fc44451.jpg]

Installing shaft, I used jack to raise wheel to bring haft shaft up and lock in u-joints in flanges. You do not need to loose any cams nuts for rear alignment shafts. Everything goes right back into place.

[Bild: 7InstallHS_zpse736705a.jpg]

Job done ! It took me about 30 minutes to remove shaft. Much faster if you had a lift. Took car out and ran it up to 100 + mph and the haft shaft was not sitting next to me. Must have done it correctly.

You have too, you can do it. Total cost about $60 including pressing in joints.

[Bild: 8JobDone_zps3b4a54e5.jpg]
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Hi, took my son for little ride in car to feel thump in rear or drive train. Let him drive down driveway, he goosed the gas , bad idea ...

Something let go in drive train. Stopped car, no drive shafts hanging, but...

Car will only go forward or backward one revolution of wheel then stops. It will do it in all 4 gears forward and reverse.

Called flatbed, to get car back to my garage.

It seems that the rear let go....

I get the car up on jack stands.... time for rear end removal/ strut rods bushing, body mounts, tranny removal, and if possible crossmember , later after rear removal..plus a lot of stuff that is showing wear after 60,000 miles in the last three years.

I will ask for help after the weekend , just to make sure I take it apart in the right order....

It will be a real job to do on jack stands....I may offer some Lobsters for lunch as a reward for coming up to Maine to get the tranny off my chest or to help pry the crossmember off the frame...

Pictures later.....Son leaving Sunday, for new job in Seattle at Amazon as a robotics engineer...

Thanks in advance for you kindness and understanding , and supporting me as I cry under the car.......should be quite interesting...

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