Fernlichtschaltergestänge Missgeschick
Hallo Leute,

mir ist die Stange siehe Pfeil die den Fernlichtschalter bedient rausgefallen Teufelfeuer Wie bekommt man den wieder rein Hilfe!! Muss ich die ganze Lenksäule dazu zerlegen Waaas? Bin für jeden Tip dankbar!

Danke Gruß Klaus

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Prost! nur V8 ist die wahre Fahrfreude Prost!
Infos darüber findet man auch bei Jim Shea:


Disassemble the Column Head - Shown On Instruction Pic #1

Remove the tilt and turn signal levers. Remove the three turn signal housing screws #12located at the 12, 3, and 8 o’clock positions .On 1977 and later columns the turn signal housing #15 will also contain a dimmer pivotassembly, a wash/wipe switch (1977 only) and a dimmer rod actuator which will comewith the housing and its end cap. Be careful of the end cap and dimmer switch rodactuator. Separate the actuator from the cap by simply pulling them apart. They are heldtogether by grease. Note, the above parts are not shown on the 1969-76 blowup pic.Guide the (1977) wash/wipe wires out of the column as you remove the cover. It is agood idea to tie a tracer string to the wiring connector to aid when you reassemble it.

1977 Dimmer Pivot with Wash/Wipe Switch
The 1977 steering column had the dimmer, turn signal, and windshield wash/wipe allintegrated into the turn signal lever. This was a one year only system and the dimmerpivot with integral wash/wipe switch was shared with the Chevette. The pivot/switch isattached to the inside of the turn signal switch housing by screw. To remove thepivot/switch you must feed the wash/wipe switch wires back through the housing. Thenremove the pivot screw. The pivot/switch can then be pulled from the housing. The1977 dimmer pivot/wash/wipe switch is GM #7827252 but it is no longer availablethrough GM dealers. The turn signal/wash wipe lever is Doc Rebuild 2897112.

Also kurz zusammengefasst: Pass auf das nichts kaputt geht, es gibt für die 77er als einziges Modelljahr keine Teile mehr! Außer vielleicht NOS ...

Viel Glück, Gruß, Sigi

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