Beiträge: 5
Themen: 1
Registriert seit: 06/2002
Ort: Holland
Baureihe: C3 PaceCar
Baujahr,Farbe: 1978 Black/Silver
I am a member of the IndependentCorvetteClub in Holland. I'm looking for German
CorvetteClubs who like te meet us along the border between Holland and Germay.
Something like a weekend with a cruise on saturday and/or sunday.
I"ll think it would be nice to meet eachother next year in April or May.
If there's anyone who is interested please contact me maybe we can arrange something.
I'm sorry that I'll have to write in English but I'm not very good in writing in German
Speaking German is no problem
If you like to visit our Dutch Forum take a look at:
Really like to hear from you.
ps. I'll hope I've placed this in the right section
Beiträge: 2.826
Themen: 98
Registriert seit: 10/2002
Ort: Bergisches Land
Baureihe: C5 Coupe
Baujahr,Farbe: Bj 99 gelb
Hi Rene,
that's a cool idea. The border isn't too far away, so count me in!
And as far as I can tell, this is the right section. I wonder how many
http://www.corvetteforum.?? there are?
Dyno-Center, Hans-Böckler-Str. 13, 40764 Langenfeld, Tel. 02173-9377070
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Themen: 236
Registriert seit: 07/2001
Ort: Coburg
Hi Rene,
nice to see some of the other european Corvette fans here in the forum. From my point of view, it's not such a big problem to have meeting or cruise-in next year.
As Till already posted it's really funny how many forums exist on the web.
May be we have to think about an english section for such topics in our board

. We will discuss this internally.
I also have to wish you a warm welcome
Hope to read more from you.
![[Bild: ycp.gif]](
Es wird Wagen geben, die von keinem Tier gezogen werden und mit unglaublicher Gewalt daherfahren.
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Beiträge: 5
Themen: 1
Registriert seit: 06/2002
Ort: Holland
Baureihe: C3 PaceCar
Baujahr,Farbe: 1978 Black/Silver
Hi Till and Ulli,
Thanks for your replies.
How many Corvette forums ther are? I've stopped counting

A lot I'll guess
If you are members of a club maybe you can contact them or get me in contact
with them so we can arrange something.
It would be great to meet eachother
Hope to hear more from you soon!
Beiträge: 5
Themen: 1
Registriert seit: 06/2002
Ort: Holland
Baureihe: C3 PaceCar
Baujahr,Farbe: 1978 Black/Silver
Ich versuche es mahl in Deuts
Ja ich kann das lesen
Danke fur deine reaktzion
Ich hoffe auch das etwas daraus wird!
So I'll hope that was written allright, but I don't think so
Bis nachste mahl
Beiträge: 5.222
Themen: 97
Registriert seit: 09/2001
Ort: Hessen
Baureihe: .
Baujahr,Farbe: .
Rene, check out the Homepage of member Mark69.
He documented one of the trips we performed to the shoreline of the Netherlands - Middelburg / Domburg in Zeeland (?).
Have fun!
Das war für den Anfang in Deutsch gar nicht schlecht!
Beiträge: 6.512
Themen: 273
Registriert seit: 06/2017
Ort: Volksrepublik Mecklenburg
Baureihe: Dogde Durango SLT Magnum
Baujahr,Farbe: anthrazith
Kennzeichen: HRO-DA 6
@rene: Feel free to write in german, dont worry! Look at the memberlist - we have a Member "erik".He is a "Flying Dutchman" like you and we call him "Porschekiller"

He owns a 2002 C5 and writes in german as well. Very funny - but nice!
Kind Regards Eckaat