Meinungen zu Auspuffanlage für 72er mit BB 427
RE: René, danke für die Klärung, das mit Reflex vs. Dämmstoff war mir so nicht klar. Zu blechern soll der kleine "Silver Surfer" nicht klingen.

This is what Flowmaster has to say about it:Consider pipe size as well... here is more information from Flowmaster:
The size of tubing used in an exhaust system is a critical item to consider. Tubing diameter will affect the sound level and performance characteristics of the muffler, but keep in mind that bigger is not always better. Using tubing that is too large can actually hinder exhaust scavenging by slowing the velocity of exhaust pulses in the tubing. As a rule, most mild street applications (dual exhaust) use 2.00” through 2.25” tubing, and modified street applications will generally use 2.25” or 2.50” tubing. Very rarely will 3.00” tubing be used for street applications. In general, the following guidelines should be applied for street applications.

Size to Horsepower:
2” tubing up to 160 hp per pipe
2.25” tubing up to 160 hp per pipe
2.5” tubing up to 250 hp per pipe
3” tubing up to 300 hp per pipe

"Flowmaster strongly recommends using a crossover tube, otherwise known as an "H" pipe or balance pipe on all true dual exhaust systems. The crossover pipe equalizes the exhaust pulses and allows the sounds waves to communicate between both banks of the engine. Not only does this usually improve torque in the low to mid rpm range, it also creates a deeper mellower tone both inside and outside of the vehicle and helps eliminate "back-rap" on deceleration."
... passion & pain to power. I'll be back soon King

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
RE: Meinungen zu Auspuffanlage für 72er mit BB 427 - von Anakin - 06.01.2020, 03:21

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